Pool Repair Specialist

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  • Pool Repair Specialist


Let me diagnose your pump and provide you with repair options or an efficient replacement. Ask how you can qualify for a $250 rebate in regards to your pump service.


Whether you have a D.E., Cartridge, or Sand Filter; we service them all. Ask how you can qualify for a $250 rebate in regards to your filter service.


Have a leak around your pool equipment pump and filter plumbing? Aging exposed plumbing tends to leak and we are here to fix it.


If you need pool lights fixed or upgraded, I can find you a reasonable lighting solutions you'll enjoy swimming in at night.


Heaters tend to have many parts and sensors that fail. Finding an expert who can fix it without telling you to "just get a new one" is here. If you don't have a pool heater we can provide you with great options.

Control System

Whether you have a reliable timer clock or interactive wifi control system. I have you covered. Partnered with all manufactureres to make sure your pool control schedule system is working properly. (wifi pool control app systems available)

Pool Construction

Any part of the structure of the pool relating to plaster, concrete, water fall features, tile, etc. We can repair or renovate.

Pool Cleaners

Have a pool cleaner device helping clean your pool? We repair those as well. If you have a Polaris cleaner we repair them and charge ONLY PARTS thanks to our partnership with Leslie's Pool Store.